Daniel Trese
Surface Streets
Published by Bywater Bros. Editions, 2018
88 pages, softcover
10.5 x 8.5 inches / 26.7 x 20.3 cm
ISBN 978-0-9884690-8-2
Edited and designed by Daniel Trese
During the years 2007-2018 while working for publications like Fantastic Man, Purple, Apartamento, and PIN-UP, Daniel Trese photographed the city of Los Angeles documenting its coming of age art scene, unique urban landscape, iconic fashion personalities, and current queer culture. Almost entirely shot on film, Surface Streets is a poetic tribute to a decentralized city that has recently attracted a new breed of creatives excited by LA’s cultural future and up-for-grabs identity. Trese pieces together his own version of this eclectic community with portraits of Peggy Moffitt, Don Bachardy, A.L. Steiner, Ashland Mines, Karis Wilde, Joel Gibb, Sean Delear, and Mariah Garnett, to name a few. Within the book, all subjects are equal and these familiar personalities are given the same attention from the camera as the physical city itself with its sprawling strip malls, agave plants, and massive boulevards. Surface Streets is an ode to a city still becoming itself and a celebration of the ambiguous time before identity sets in.
Daniel Trese is an American photographer who lives and works in Brooklyn, New York. His work has been consistently a part of independent publishing for the past ten years. Originally from Los Angeles, Daniel studied Art History and worked as a fine art printer prior to starting his own studio in 2009. Since then his photographs have appeared in Harpers Bazar, Vogue Hommes, The New York Times, Surface, Wallpaper, The Plant, Zeit, The Travel Almanac, among others, his images have also been featured in several international group exhibitions.

The book is also available in a special limited edition of 25 which includes an original, signed and numbered, photograph by the artist.